Hirutism, an funny way of saying "hair in weird places" Hirutism,有趣的說法,“頭髮長在奇怪的地方”

Hirutism, an funny way of saying "hair in weird places" Hirutism,有趣的說法,“頭髮長在奇怪的地方”

Hirutism, an funny way of saying "hair in weird places"

What is it? 它是什麼?

Hirsutism is the development of excessive or abnormal hair growth in areas where men typically grow hair. We know, annoying.

This includes the face, chest, back, abdomen and thighs. While it can affect both men and women, it's mostly common in women due to higher levels of male sex hormones (androgens) in their bodies. In fact, many women may have some degree of hirsutism without even knowing it because they aren't aware that their body produces more male hormones than normal—or that this extra hormone production signals a hormonal imbalance that could lead to other health issues down the road.

Although there's no one-size-fits-all way to treat hirsutism (because every woman has different triggers), there are three general categories into which people fall: those with high levels of testosterone who produce higher amounts of male hormones than normal; those with low levels of testosterone who produce lower amounts than normal; and those whose bodies naturally produce an equal balance between male and female hormones.

Genetics have something to do with it

You may have heard of estrogens and androgens, but what are they exactly? Estrogens are female hormones, while androgens are male hormones. When your body has more androgens than estrogens (and therefore less estrogen), this can cause excess hair growth on the face, chest, stomach and other areas of your body—a condition called hirsutism.

The main culprits behind hirsutism are testosterone—the most abundant androgen in men—and its partner in crime: dihydrotestosterone (DHT). While testosterone is often associated with masculine traits like facial hair growth as well as increased bone density, muscles mass and strength; DHT is considered to be a very potent form of testosterone that can cause significant side effects such as acne breakouts or hair loss if levels become too high.
多毛症的罪魁禍首是睪固酮—男性中最豐富的雄性激素—及其同夥:二氫睪固酮(DHT)。雖然睪固酮通常與男性特徵有關,例如臉部毛髮生長以及骨密度、肌肉質量和力量的增加; DHT 被認為是一種非常有效的睪固酮形式,如果水平過高,可能會導致嚴重的副作用,例如痤瘡爆發或脫髮。

Health conditions that cause hormonal imbalances can lead to hirsutism.;

Hirsutism isn't always caused by hormonal imbalances. Sometimes, it's simply a result of genetics. While some women are born with thick hair and others are not, there are particular health conditions that can cause hormonal imbalances that lead to hirsutism. These include:

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

  • Cushing’s syndrome 庫欣氏症候群

  • Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺功能亢進症

The combination of these three conditions can also result in hyperandrogenism—a buildup of male hormones in the body—which causes unwanted hair growth on the face, chest, abdomen and back. In many cases, the excessive hair growth associated with these illnesses is temporary and will go away after treatment of the underlying condition is complete. (Cue AVL!) 
這三種情況的結合也會導致雄性激素過多症(體內雄性激素的積聚),導致臉部、胸部、腹部和背部多餘的毛髮生長。在許多情況下,與這些疾病相關的毛髮過度生長是暫時的,在完成潛在疾病的治療後就會消失。 (提示AVL!)

Don't let it get you down

Hirsutism is a common condition that affects women of all ages, but it’s not always easy to diagnose. If you think you might have hirsutism, talk to your doctor about how to get tested.
