How to MAXIMISE self love right now
Introduction 介紹
Self love can be a difficult concept to grasp for many people, especially if you are not used to being alone with your thoughts. It can feel like an uncomfortable experience at first, but the more you practice it the easier it becomes. Below are some ways that you can start practicing self love in your day-to-day life!
Self love can be practiced in many ways
Self love is not something you can buy, it's a process that takes time and patience. You can't expect to go from zero to 100 overnight, and there will be days where you feel like the walls are closing in on you. But self love is worth fighting for because for every bad day, there are going to be great days as well.
自愛不是你可以買到的東西,它是一個需要時間和耐心的過程。你不可能指望一夜之間從 0 升至 100,有時你會感覺到牆壁正在向你逼近。但自愛是值得為之奮鬥的,因為每一個糟糕的日子,也會有美好的日子。
Self love is also about making choices every day that work towards your benefit, whether or not it's easy at first—and hey, sometimes it might be hard! But when I look back at my life now I realize how far I've come from where I started. It all comes down to one thing: choice. The power of choice lies within each individual person; we don't need anyone else telling us what's right or wrong—we need only ourselves (and maybe some friends along the way).
It may seem like a lot of work at first but once you get into an established routine with yourself then self-care begins becoming second nature—it becomes part of who you are instead of something separate from who you really want yourself to be as an individual human being living out their best possible life accordingTo me this means finding ways where I can treat myself well without disrupting someone else's peace/comfort level around me
Volunteering 志工服務
Volunteering is a great way to meet people and make friends, but it's also a great way to learn new skills. You can learn something new from every person you meet, and it’s important not to take yourself too seriously.
So do you still think volunteering is too much of a commitment? Not if you're doing it right! Volunteering helps us learn how to love ourselves by helping others, so there's no reason why anyone should be afraid of volunteering.
It doesn't matter where you live or what kind of schedule you keep; there are countless opportunities for volunteer work out there for everyone who wants them! Just find something that interests you—it could be anything from car repair at the local community center or tutoring children at a local elementary school—and ask around until someone gives up some information about how they got involved in their favorite cause-related activity.
Pampering yourself 寵愛自己
Take a bath with bubbles.
用泡泡洗澡。 -
Get a massage. 按摩一下。
Do your nails, including the tips of your fingers, and then go get a manicure and pedicure.
修剪指甲,包括指尖,然後去修指甲和修腳。 -
Buy yourself flowers or plants that look nice and pretty in your room/apartment/house.
給自己買一些在你的房間/公寓/房子裡看起來漂亮的鮮花或植物。 -
Go to the movies alone, or watch one at home if you don’t have time for the theater.
獨自去看電影,或者如果您沒有時間去電影院,也可以在家觀看一場。 -
Watch TV shows until you fall asleep (if you are into this kind of thing).
Eating regularly, healthy meals
In order to make sure your body is getting what it needs, it's important to eat regularly and have a healthy diet.
In addition to eating regularly, here are some other tips:
Eat a balanced diet. For example, avoid junk food and other foods that are high in sugar. Also, don't eat too much sugar overall—it can be bad for you!
均衡飲食。例如,避免垃圾食物和其他高糖食品。另外,整體來說不要吃太多醣類——這可能對你有害! -
Drink water instead of soda or juice. Soda isn't good for you because it has a lot of sugar in it; water is better for hydration!
Spending time with loved ones
Spending time with other people is one of the best ways to learn how to love yourself.
It’s easy to be self-critical and feel like you don’t deserve good things, but when you spend time with someone else, it can be hard not to see how much they love themselves.
You might not be able to mirror their confidence at first, but seeing them make decisions for themselves and live their life in a way that makes them happy will help you realize that if they can do it, so can you!
Spending time alone in healthy ways
Before you can begin to love yourself, you need to learn how to be alone. Being alone does not mean being lonely. You'll know when you're at that point because you'll be doing things like this:
Learning how to love yourself through self care and self exploration.
透過自我照顧和自我探索,學習如何愛自己。 -
Spending time alone in healthy ways such as reading, writing or other creative activities that help expand your mind and make it feel less cramped inside your headspace - literally!
以健康的方式獨處,例如閱讀、寫作或其他創意活動,這些活動有助於拓展你的思維,讓你的頭腦空間感覺不那麼局促——字面上的意思! -
Getting out into nature for some fresh air (do this often) and getting some exercise so that the blood flows freely throughout all of those body parts that make up YOU! Bonus points if they include yoga (or other forms of exercise).
到大自然中呼吸新鮮空氣(經常這樣做)並進行一些鍛煉,以便血液在構成您的所有身體部位自由流動!如果其中包括瑜伽(或其他形式的運動),則可獲得獎勵積分。 -
It's important to remember when spending time with yourself isn't just about keeping busy with distractions every minute but rather a means of learning who exactly YOU are as an individual person; what makes them tick? Why were they born into this world? What do they want out of life? These questions will help build up confidence within themselves instead of relying on others' opinions about them constantly."
Meditation and reflection
Meditation and reflection are a great way to practice self-love. You can meditate any way you want, but the main idea is to focus on the present and be mindful of what's happening around you. If you're having trouble sleeping, try meditating before bedtime so that your body has time to rest and relax before going to sleep.
As an added bonus: meditation is also linked to improved brain function and better health overall!
Enjoying your own company
You know how to be alone.
你知道如何獨處。 -
You know when you need to be with others.
你知道什麼時候需要和別人在一起。 -
You know that sometimes, it's okay to do things for yourself.
你知道,有時候,為自己做事是可以的。 -
And sometimes, it's okay to do things for others.
有時,為別人做事也是可以的。 -
And sometimes, it's totally fine if those two things overlap and can even happen at the same time.
Practicing mindfulness 練習正念
Mindfulness is a practice that's proven to help with everything from stress, depression and anxiety to pain management. It teaches you how to be present in your body with awareness—including all the sensations, movements and thoughts that arise while you're meditating. It also helps you become more aware of the world around you, including other people.
"The point of mindfulness is not to get rid of your thoughts," says clinical psychologist Brant Secunda Ph.D., "but rather how we relate to them." The goal is not only self-awareness but also acceptance: No matter what's going on inside or outside us at any given moment, we can choose how we respond instead of reacting impulsively or blindly. By practicing this skill regularly over time (secunda recommends about 15 minutes per day), our brains will start creating new neural pathways for healthier responses like curiosity instead of fear or anger—and those changes will stick around long after we stop meditating!
臨床心理學家 Brant Secunda 博士說:“正念的目的不是擺脫你的想法,而是我們如何與它們建立聯繫。”目標不僅是自我意識,而且是接受:無論在任何特定時刻我們的內部或外部發生什麼,我們都可以選擇如何應對,而不是衝動或盲目地做出反應。隨著時間的推移,透過定期練習這項技能(Secunda 建議每天約15 分鐘),我們的大腦將開始創建新的神經通路,以做出更健康的反應,例如好奇心,而不是恐懼或憤怒,而這些變化在我們停止冥想後很長一段時間都會持續存在!
Conclusion 結論
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to self love. You can practice it in many ways, and it’s important to find what works best for you. Your journey is unique, so be gentle with yourself as you explore how to maximize your own personal happiness.